Have you seen Icybreeze? Icybreeze is the world’s first Portable Air Conditioner & Cooler all in one.
The secret behind the Icybreeze is an innovative design that sends water through a heat exchanger in the lid. Fresh air is drawn from hidden vents in the top of the cooler, pulled across the exchanger, and chilled down to 35 degrees below the initial temperature. A cool, icy breeze is then dispensed in the direction of the user’s choosing. The power and speed of the air current is comparable to that of the average air conditioner in most modern cars.
Friday, January 29th Icybreeze was featured on the ‘Shark Tank’. The Bixby, Oklahoma company had a fantastic pitch and showing of their unique product, but walked away with no deal from a shark.
M&M Lumber is a proud distributor of the Icybreeze! Come see what you are missing out on…
These AC/coolers would be great for camping, soccer games, baseball games, the AC of a non air conditioned airplane, jeep, when doing work in an attic, and other numerous times when it is hot with no breeze!
For more information, check out the webpage:http://www.icybreeze.com/